Fine Art Trade Guild Picture Framing Standards

Watson & MorrisĀ  work to the picture framing standards set by the Guild. These principles are as follows:

  • To set a consistent bench-mark of picture framing standards
  • Enable customers to make an informed choice of different levels of framing to suit customers’ individual needs
  • To enable customers to compare quotations on a ‘like-for-like’ basis. It is essential to demonstrate why a job may be priced above that given by a competitor and why a framer is recommending a particular level of framing
  • A marketing tool; to show customers there is more to framing than meets the eye
  • To educate framers
  • To ensure frames are all constructed to a professional standard following the Guild practices by Guild Commended Framers. The levels of service are detailed on the pages below:
  • Watson & Morris only work to Commended level and above.
Minimum Basic Frame, at a minimum cost. More Info
Budget A visually acceptable frame at a budget price. More Info
Commended To visually enhance artwork and give a moderate level of protection More Info
Conservation To visually enhance artwork and offer a high level of protection More Info
Museum To visually enhance artwork and offer the ultimate level of protection More Info